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# Custom Trigger Access Document

Please refer to the method description in the documentation for the call method.

# Create Custom Trigger

Create a trigger scene in the trigger rules of a custom trigger, configure a unique scene ID, and select the trigger entity ID type for the trigger task.

Tip: The scene ID and the entity ID that meet the trigger rules must be consistent with the configuration of your server to trigger successfully.

# Call Interface

# 2.1 Interface URL


# 2.2 Request Method


# 2.3 Content-Type


# 2.4 Request Query Parameters

Parameter Example Type Required Parameter Desc
eventuuid xxx String Yes Event unique id
projectId 11 int Yes Project id
sceneId String Yes Trigger Scene id
entityId long Yes The entity id used in the trigger scene: accountId/distinctId
eventTime long Yes Event time
eventTimezone double Suggest Yes, it can be empty Event time - Time zone, default server time zone

# 2.5 Example of successful response

    "return_code": 0,
    "return_message": "success"
Parameter Example Type Parameter Desc
return_code 0 Integer Return code
return_message success String Return message

# 2.6 Example of successful response

    "return_code": -1008,
    "return_message": "Parameter error"

# 2.7 Error Code Explanation

Error Code Error Message
-1008 Parameter error (
-1006 No token permission (error.auth.authority_forbidden.token)
-1005 Frequent operation/interface flow limitation (error.op.too_many_open_api_request)
-1023 The scene/task does not exist or has been deleted (error.op.not_existed_with_name)
-1011 The task status is not in progress (
-1009 User do not exist (
-1108 Repeat event (
-1004 System error (hermes.service.error.system.common)